Stuck in setup [solved]

Xii 4y, 26d ago [edited]

I'm trying to demo Remarkbox but I'm stuck at prompting "You should complete the setup on your pending Namespace" with no access to Namespace settings. I've completed the setup's three steps as far as I can tell. Why can't I proceed?

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russell 4y, 26d ago

Remarkbox is likely unable to reach your web page. I'll take a look and follow up on this thread.

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Xii 4y, 26d ago

Oh, I think I know what's amiss - I'm testing this on localhost! I'll make a hidden page and put it in production.

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russell 4y, 26d ago [edited]

Yup, Remarkbox reaches out to verify your control over the given domain by checking for the UUID in the snippet.

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