homepage example.com/index.html no comments visible [defect/solved]

GeorgeM 5y, 99d ago [edited]

Hi I love this system and plan to use it for an online textbook I am currently developing. I recently tested it by posting a comment to the home page of my site with a base url like: example.com The comment shows up just fine.

When navigating internally, however, sometimes the url becomes example.com/index.html and there are no longer any comments listed, even though the page is the same without the explicit /index.html.

Also here is a feature request -- a navigation button to close the profile view and return to the comment thread would be nice -- using the browser's back button or a page refresh is a little counter-intuitive.

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russell 5y, 96d ago [edited]

I think we could have a Namespace setting to toggle treating /path/index.html the same as /path. I'll work on this tonight.

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russell 4y, 330d ago [edited]

This defect has been solved. From now on, Remarkbox will make the following translations:

https://www.example.com/index.php -> https://www.example.com https://www.example.com/asdf/index.html -> https://www.example.com/asdf

Both distinct URIs will be translated to the same thread.

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