Problem with one namespace on two domains (Netlify) [solved]

Locness 4y, 345d ago [edited]

Hi! I have a bit of a problem.

I have a website at, for which I set up a namespace on Remarkbox. This website uses Netlify to do deploy previews for its pull requests, and these are available at deploy-preview-<some number> And they have the same embed snippet as the main site. But, the problem is, when commenting on a deploy preview, I can't use the "dashboard". Or maybe isn't that a problem, since I can do it directly on the site? But I can't change settings then I guess.

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russell 4y, 345d ago

If you have your own domain name, you could create a separate Namespace for each site.

For example:


The dev domain could be a CNAME which points at the deploy-preview-<some number> record.

Alternatively you could create a separate Namespace for deploy-preview-<some number>

Either way, each domain/site will need it's own Namespace and separate code snippet.

I hope this helps and finds you.

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Locness 4y, 344d ago

I know this, but why was I able to comment on the deploy preview domain with the code for the "normal" site?

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russell 4y, 344d ago [edited]

An invalid rb_owner_key in the snippet will still allow commenting on the site to work, but it won't unlock moderation abilities for a user until the code matches on both your website and on the back end. Each domain in Remarkbox is expected to have it's own Namespace (and the first step to that is each need their own rb_owner_key which happens when you click setup and follow the prompts).

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